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Period 6 reading & writing
Step 1 Appreciation
Read the following poem carefully and write down the pairs of words that rhyme and add more similar rhyming words.
Step 2. Pre-writing
How to make friends with others?
1. Read a letter from a student called Xiaodong. 
What’s his problem?
2. Suppose you were editor, please write your advice to Xiaodong.
Discuss in groups of four. Collect your advice to Xiaodong and your attitude.
Useful expressions:
     In my opinion, you should…
     My advice is…
     I think/ believe…
     I’m afraid that…
     I advise you to…
     I don’t think…
     Don’t worry…
     I agree/ I don’t agree.
     I think so./ I don’t think so.
Step 3 While-writing
This activity enables students to express their feelings and to help others.In other words, it gives students a better understanding of how to deal with this common situation.This is as much a role play as a writing activity, so it is important for students to discuss their ideas first.In this way they can collect their ideas, sort them out and prepare to write.
Ask the Ss to write a letter to Xiaodong as an editor and give him some advice.
1. Ss make a list about the important information that they need.
2. Ss begin to write the letter to Xiaodong.
3. Ss revise their letters by themselves.
4. Ss exchange their writing paper with their partners and correct the mistakes. (tense, spelling, letters, structures….)
5. Ss get back their own writing paper and write the letter again.
Writing tips
Contents (The letter should contain the following points)
1. Make an effort to change the situation.
2. Start talking to people about what you both like.
3. Join in people’s discussion.
4. Show your interest in their talk.
5. Try to make friends with one or two classmates.
Topic sentence (your point of view)
Body (your advice)
Conclusion (your wishes)
Tense: As it is a letter, Simple Present Tense will be applied to the writing.
Illustration (阐述) I think, I believe, I suggest, in my opinion…
Addition(递进) secondly, and then, besides, in addition…
Contrast(转折) but, however, on the other hand…
Summary(总结) in short, in a word, therefore, so…
Step 4. Post-writing
 Choose some students’ writing paper and show in the class. Ask the Ss to correct the mistakes together and also learn from some good writings.
Sample writing:
Dear Xiaodong,
Some people like talking with others, but some people are shy.If you fall into the second group, it can be hard to make friends.But you can change the situation.
What are you interested in? If you like basketball, for example, you could talk with some of your classmates who like basketball.The easiest way to start talking to people is to find something you have in common.
If you are standing beside a group of your classmates, join in their discussion if you know something about the subject they are discussing.But if you don't, you shouldn't feel afraid to say, for example,”That sounds interesting, what is it about??Once you start talking to one person, it will get easier to talk to others.
Find one person you have something in common with, and once you become friends with him, his friends will start talking to you too.
Good luck!

Homework: write the composition


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