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九年级英语My future life教案

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Module 10 My future life
 Unit 1 I’m going to miss my classmates.
Betty: You look lovely, Lingling!
Lingling: Thanks, you look great, too. That’s a nice handbag.
Betty: It’s my mother’s. Are you enjoying the party?
Yes, it’s very enjoyable, but I fell a bit sad. I don’t know when we’ll be back in this hall all together again. I’m going to miss my classmates.
miss v. 想念
v. 没赶上,错过
Tony: Yes, but wherever you go, that will happen. Anyway, don’t forget we’re going to the USA for the vacation!
Lingling: The hall looks wonderful, Tony. You’ve hung international flags from the floor to the ceiling!
hung 是hang 的过去式v. 悬挂
hanged v. 绞死
Tony: Cool music, Daming! It’s got a great beat!
Daming: Pardon?
Betty: But it’s a bit noisy.
Lingling: Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony?
intend to do sth.= intend doing sth.
for long = for a long time
Tony: I hope so. And even if I go back to the UK, I’ll come back and visit you all.
Lingling: What about you, Betty?
Betty: I’ll finish my high school education here, but I want to go back to my home town one day. What are your plans, Daming?
Daming: I want to become… an English teacher!
Tony: Come on! Let’s fetch something to eat. What’s on the menu?
fetch/ carry/ bring/ take
Betty: How about a hot dog? Or some ice cream? A sandwich?
Lingling: And we’ll always stay friends.
stay friends
Betty: Let’s raise our glasses. Here’s to our friendship, everyone… and the future! And now, excuse me. I must make a speech!
All: Cheers!
Here’s to our friendship, everyone… and the future!
excuse me/ I’m sorry.
Unit 2 I wish you success for the future
Head teacher, teachers, grandparents, parents and classmates, I’m very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today. I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to so many people, so please forget me if it shows!
be proud that
speak to sb.
as/ because
As we all know,this is the school leavers’ party, and it’s time to say goodbye to everyone. We’re sorry to leave you at the end of your junior high school education, and we promise that we’ll never forget the happy times we have spent in these buildings with you all.
As we all know
as/ which 引导定语从句
It’s time to do/ It’s time for doing
be sorry to do
I’d like to thank three groups of people for the three things I’ve learnt while I’ve been a pupil at our school. The three things are friendship, love and knowledge.
The first group is my friends, and what I’ve learnt is the importance of friendship. We’ve worked hard together, we’ve even shared some difficult times together, but we’ve also had a lot of fun. Many of us will go to new schools and we may not see each other so often in the future. Others will go on to senior high school and continue their close friendships. But friends don’t have to see each other all the time. Sometimes the friends you treasure most are the friends you see less often. A life without old friends is like a day without sunshine. We’ll always stay in touch.
in the future 将来的某个时候
in future 今后 = from now on
all the time
stay in touch= keep in touch
stay in touch with sb. = keep in touch with sb.
get in touch with sb.
lose touch with sb.= be out of touch with sb.
The second group is our parents and grandparents. We thank you for the love you have shown us during our years at junior high school, for making a home where we feel both safe and relaxed, and where we can prepare ourselves for our school days. We also thank you for your help with our homework. How many of us owe our good grades to the suggestions you have made during those long evenings?
thank you for +n. / sth.
prepare sb. for (to do) sth.
prepare sth.
prepare to do sth.
prepare for
be well prepared for sth.
owe …to…, 把…归功于+ n.
owe… to sb. 欠某人…= owe sb….
And finally, the third group is our teachers. We can never pay you back for your kindness, your patience, and gift of knowledge which you have offered us. Sometimes you’ve been strict with us; sometimes you’ve made us work very hard. But you have always been fair and you’ll always be our role models. There’s a saying from Ireland which is a favourite of mine: Strangers are only friends you haven’t met yet.
pay back 偿还
pay sb. back
pay back + 钱+ 人
be strict with sb.
be strict in sth.
I couldn’t say it better myself. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you success for the future.
from the bottom of my heart

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