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八年级英语A dangerous servant教案1

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Chapter 3 A dangerous servant
Title Chapter 3 A dangerous servant Reading page 29-33
Grade Eight
Teaching Contents The reading section in Chapter 3 in Oxford English Book 8B. It mainly trains the students‘ ability in reading and develops the students‘ ability in talking about home safety with its focus on using electricity correctly. Learners The students in Grade Eight are in a kind of transformative period. Considering in the intelligent aspect, though their abstract thinking starts to develop, yet imaginal thinking still plays a leading role in their thinking process. Additionally, their cognitive capability is incomplete. After one and a half school years learning and practising, they are now used to the English study in junior middle school but their childish curiosity which can be transformed into intellectual curiosity with the teacher‘s direction and edification and be used to fulfill their learning task well still exists. Teaching Aims: Emotion Aims
1. Arouse the students‘ stronger awareness of participation and passion for using their learned English language knowledge and skills.
2. Be more cooperative in team work and respect others‘ ideas.
3. Get them to know that a language is a key to open a door to a wider world. Ability Aims
1. Enable the students to talk about the differences between winter and summer.
2. Improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.
3. Improve their ability in cooperation in team work.
4. Improve their ability in thinking and solving problems. Knowledge Aims
1 Master the important words and expressions: cable, wire, power station, bubble, flow, metre, bury, connect
2 Know how to use electricity correctly and safely.
3 Make good preparations for the rest sections in this chapter. Teaching Emphasis 1 Practise different reading skills.
2 Grasp the use of the key language items. Teaching Difficulties Discussion about the danger in using electricity thoughtlessly. Teaching Aid Multi-media Teaching Methods 1 Natural approach
2 Situation approach
3 Task-based language teaching (These four tasks go from the easy to the difficult )
4 Communicative approach Learning strategies: 1 Learning by doing method
2 Cooperative learning method
3 Indirect learning method
4 Whole learning method Teaching procedures Teacher Students Purpose Pre-task 1 Warming Up
l Greeting.
l A song with the picture of a recorder which stops all in a sudden.
l Show them the picture of a plug off the power site.
2 Leading in
l Why did the music stop?
l What makes the recorder work,fire,water or electricity?
l Check the answer. 1.Greeting.
2.Listen to and follow the song.
3. Give the answer. 1.Warming up.
2. Make a warm, happy and easy atmosphere
3. Lead in the new topic for this lesson
4. Shift into the following teaching contents.
1 Presentation.
A Brain storm.
l Do you want to go on listening to the music? OK, let‘s make electricity by ourselves.
Do you know how?
l Ask the students to choose the materials in forms of pictures for making electricity.
B Learn the new words.
cable, wire, power station, bubble, flow, metre, bury, connect
C To celebrate, we listen to the rest of the song.
D Ask three students what other things uses electricity to work in our homes. Then show them my answers in pictures.
Match the pictures with different kinds of energy.
(Do with Part A on page 30)
E Ask the students:
We can buy different kinds of electrical appliance in the shops, but can we also buy electricity there? 1.Observe (Pictures)
Answer questions with the learned English language skills and knowledge and background knowledge.
2.Repeat the words and try to remember them.
3.Listen to the rest of the song cheerfully.
4. Answer the teacher‘s questions.And match the words with the pictures.
5. Think and answer the question. 1.Get more knowledge about making eletricity.
2. Make learning more interesting for the students.

3. Remember the words with the help of the pictures and adjust their pronunciation and get rid of the obstacle for the following steps which they will need necessarily.
4. Make them more interested in dealing with problems on our own.
5. Make a natural and smooth shift to the reading step.
6. Encourage the active and voluntary communicating.
7. Master some difficult language items.
8. Improve the classroom teaching effectiveness 2 Listening
A. Get the students to listen
carefully to the tape with the following questions.
Did the girl buy electricity?
B. Check the answer.
1. Listen to the tape with the questions.

八年级英语A dangerous servant教案1由www.nn40.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.nn40.com
www.nn40.com 2. Answer the questions.
3. Make answers to the questions individually quickly.
1. Train their ability in listening.
2.Train the ability in guessing intelligently
3. Exaine and consolidate the learning by using it.
4. Encourage the active and voluntary communicating.
5.Intensive reading skills. 3 Reading
A Skip-reading
l Read the whole article and fill in the form.
l Check the answers.
B Scan-reading
Answer the questions which need more understanding of the whole article.
a) What did Daisy buy?
b) Who is looking foolish?
c) Who or what is the servant in the title? 1. Read the article
quickly and fill in the forms according to the article.

2. Answer the questions. 1.Train the students‘ abililty in skip reading.
2.Train the students‘ ability in scan reading. 4 Discussion

The danger of using electricity carelessly at home.
1.Think carefully.
2. Group discussion.
3.Report. 1.Examine their reading result.
2. Train the ability in asking and answering in English.
3. Get them to set up self-confidence in language study and improve their speaking abilities by reading.
4. Get deeper understanding of the reading material. Post- task 1 Summary
C.Encourage any possible questions. 1.Go over this lesson.
2.Do the exercises.
3.Ask questions if
necessary. 1.Consolidate the contents for this lesson.
2.Encourage them to have doubts while learning. 2 Assignment
Explain the homework. Understand the homework assignment. 1.Promote the love for science. 3.A proverb:
A frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.
Translate. 2. Encourage the life-long learning and improvement. 4.Evaluation
Get the students to evaluate their study effectiveness and fill in the form Fill in the evaluation chart Make a complete and compulsary
evaluation by respecting and respecting
both the course and the end.

Build up the self- confidence for the
students and motivate them to study
harder better and harder by knowing
themselves well.
VI Blackboard design
Charpter 3 A dangerous servant

wire power station
bubble be connected with Use electricity carefully.
Appendix. Give the students before class.

Name Date
A. Very good.(优) B. Good. (良) C. Not bad. (合格)D. Need improvement. (还需努力)
学生自评 小组互评 教师总评 掌握基本知识 认真听讲 主动与同伴合作 积极提问

原文地址 http://www.nn40.com

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