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高三年级Lesson 82教学设计

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Lesson 82

Teaching Aims

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases

anyway, private, signature, brief, foresee, instruct, left-handed, right-handed, to the point

2. Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Important Points

Master the following important points

Words: anyway

Phrases: as follows, come to, add one’s signature, sign one’s name, and take a false name to the point.

Sentence Patterns

1. It only remains for me to pass all the money…

2. Now we know that… is dead, does that mean…

3….if that were to happen, all the money should go to…

Teaching Difficult Points

1. The difference between “to the point” and “off the point”.

2. the use of the word “anyway”.

Teaching Methods

1. Fast reading to get the general idea.

2. Careful reading to answer the detailed questions.

3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1  Revision

1  Check the homework exercises.

2  Ask the class a few rapid questions about the story in the previous lesson:

What is the name of the famous detective? (J.J. Coal.) Who came to visit him? (Tom Goode.)

Who died in Tom's family not long ago? (His aunt, Mrs. Flower.) Why was Mrs. flower so wealthy? (Her husband had built up his business and had left all his money to her when he died.) Who in the family saw Clare after she left home? (Only her father and her stepmother.) Where and when did Tom Goode meet Clare? (At tea after the burial service of Mrs. Flower.) Who is going to get Mrs. Flower's money? (Clare Flower.) What did Tom Goode ask the detective to do? (To check out Clare Flower.)

Step 2  Presentation

SB Page 51, Part 1. Get Ss to talk about the picture and describe what they can see. Ask them what they think is happening, but do not answer “Right” or “Wrong”.

Step 3  Reading for general understanding

Read aloud the two general comprehension questions. Allow the Ss enough time to read the text and discuss their answers in pairs, then check the answers with the class. (1 She is taken away by the police; she has pretended to be Clare Flower, but her name is really Hope Darwin. 2 The money is given to an organization for helping the blind called “Helping Hand”.)

Step 4  Reading

Wb Lesson 82, Ex. 1. Go through the exercise and make sure the Ss know what to do. Let them read the whole passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 5  Comprehension

SB Page 52, Part 2. Get Ss to work in pairs and explain the meaning of the phrases to each other.

Ask for the answers from the class.


1  The lawyer (probably) introduced the detective with the words “This is my assistant”.

2  The only thing which I have to do now is ….

3  you should be given all the money which belonged to her

4  signed her name on the piece of paper

5  suddenly you thought of a clever thing to do

6  except her step-mother (Mrs. Flower)

7  He was smiling and probably hoping that he would get the money.

8  The lawyer said little and only what was necessary.

Then go through the text and explain any difficult language points. See if the Ss can guess the meaning of take one's place, pick out.


a  Present at the meeting were: Point out the inversion.

b  unknown man = a man whom nobody knew

c  When everyone had taken his/her place = When everyone had sat down

d  step forward = come up to my table/desk

e  Your name is Clare Flower?: Note the question, in the form of a statement, for the purpose of checking information:

f  please sign here … money: It is usual for lawyers to get people to sign a receipt to show that they have received all the money.

g  If you could …instead: Point out the conditional form in a past situation. Hope's thoughts were “If I can pretend to be Clare, I will be able to get the money instead.”

h  between the two of you = between you (Hope) and the real Clare Flower.

i  Perhaps you will explain … why = Point out the polite form. More directly, the detective could say “Why did you change the colour of your hair?”

j  I picked out one interesting photograph = I found and brought with me one photograph which I thought was interesting.

k  Just now = a moment ago

1  foresee = imagine something in the future

Step 6  Reading aloud

Speech Cassette Lesson 82. Play the tape of the passage for the Ss to listen and follow. Play the tape of part of the passage once more; this time the Ss listen and repeat. As much of this passage is in dialogue form, you may choose to spend longer than usual on this reading aloud activity. Put the Ss in groups of four and get them to read the dialogue parts of J.J. Coal, Clare, the lawyer, Tom Goode.

Step 7  Workbook

Wb Lesson 82, Ex. 2.

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Let the Ss work on this exercise in pairs. They can discuss how to translate the Chinese into English.

Then check the answers with the whole class. Put down the answers on the Bb.

Step 8  Consolidation

SB Page 52, Part 3. The purpose of this task is fluency practice, getting Ss to tell a story in their own words. Do this task now or alternatively at the beginning of the next lesson, as revision.


Read the passage again.

Finish off the Workbook exercises.

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